Makes 1 cup. Preparation time 5 minutes. Cooking time 2 minutes.
5 doves of garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup olive oil (the good stuff)
pinch of freshly ground black pepper
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons paprika
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 sprig of rosemary
1 sprig of thyme
1 sprig of oregano
juice of 1/2 lemon
• On a chopping board, smash the garlic cloves and combine with the salt into a paste. Heat the olive oil slowly in a small pan and add the black pepper.
• Put the bay leaf, paprika and garlic paste in a jar and pour in the warm oil. Bruise the herb stalks gently with a wine bottle then strip the leaves. Discard the stalks. Add about a tablespoon of each herb to the jar. Also add the lemon juice. Shake really well and keep chilled for a week.
• Use the sauce over any braaied meat or fish, or the salt-baked potatoes. For heat, add a chilli.

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