1,5 cups brown lentils
1 cup rice
2/3 cup olive oil
1,5 teaspoons salt
0,5 teaspoon baharat
3 brown onions
5 cups vegetable stock (or water)
Place lentils in a large saucepan with 4 cups of stock (or water), salt & baharat. Bring this to the boil & allow to continue boiling for 15 minutes.
In the meantime, finely slice onions.
Cook onions in a saucepan with the olive oil for about 10 minutes or until caramelised & golden brown.
After 15 minutes, add the rice, 3/4 of the caramelised onions plus one cup of stock (or water) to lentils (set aside remaining caramelised onions for serving).
Cover & leave to simmer on low heat for another 15 minutes until rice is cooked (Tip: I usually turn heat off after 10 minutes. I leave lid on saucepan & allow steam to finish cooking the rice).
Eat it warm or cold with the caramelised onions you set aside.
Great served with some natural yoghurt & salad on the side!

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