A delicious traditional beans recipe. Medium complexity , ready in 1:30 hours .
• 1 knuckle of pork
• 5 tablespoons of oil
• 500 grams of white beans
• 5 onions
• 2 carrots
• 5 red peppers
• 0,5 liters of tomatoes juice
• salt
• pepper
• parsley
• thyme
Step 1:
Boil the beans in the pressure cooker along with the pork knuckle and the carrots.
Step 2:
Cook the onions and the peppers cutted in large pieces, then add the tomato juice.
Step 3:
Mix the beans and the pork meat with the sauce from above ( the one with onions , peppers and tomato juice ).
Step 4:
Let it boil 10 minutes, during which you continually mix otherwise it will stick together , then add pepper , thyme and after it cools a bit add the parsley too.
Step 5:
SERVING: Beans with pork knuckle is served hot with pickles.

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