Before serving, beat the soup with cream or add grated cheese. Instead all this, it can be served and with fried bread cubes!
▶ 4 potatoes
▶ 2 turnips
▶ Lettuce
▶ 0.15 pounds of butter
▶ 2.2 pounds of water or vegetables soup
▶ 0.25 pounds of sour cream
▶ Salt
▶ Dill
▶ Parsley
▶ 1 tablespoon of flour
Step 1
Peel the vegetables, cut the noodles and scalding cleaned turnips. Turnips and potatoes cut into quarters and fry all in fat (butter).
Step 2
Add a tablespoon of flour browned. Pour boiling water or vegetable soup, salt and boil. After add chopped greens.
Bon Appetit !

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