Serves 4. Preparation time 20 minutes. Cooking time 20 minutes.
2 sweet potatoes
250 g pork bangers or boerewors
1 tablespoon mustard
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
1/2 onion, finely chopped
a large pinch of Italian herbs
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
• Cut the sweet potatoes lengthways in half and wrap them in foil. Bake in the coals until tender enough to scoop the flesh out with a spoon. Remove some of the flesh, taking care to leave enough of it in the peel to retain a firm shape.
• Squeeze the sausage meat from the casing and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add the sweet potato flesh and combine.
• Fill the hollowed out sweet potatoes with the sausage mixture and wrap tightly in 2 layers of foil. Bake on a grid over hot coals for 20 minutes (turning halfway through) until the meat is cooked through.

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