Sushi began as a way of food preservation in the inland of China. The fermentation of the rice prevented the fish from spoiling.
Nigiri-sushi is the most common type of sushi in the modern sushi restaurants. It is an oblong mound of rice with a slice of fish draped over it.
For those who love sushi, you can now indulge with these Japanese rice rolls anytime!
What you need:
cooked Japanese rice (cook 2-cups short grain Japanese rice in 3 cups water in a rice cooker)
ground white pepper
fresh salmon (fillets), cut into pieces
mirin (Japanese rice wine)
bowl of water
nori (seaweed) sheets, cut in strips
Japanese mayonnaise
bamboo sushi mat
What to do:
Season cooked rice with a pinch of ground white pepper and 4 tablespoons of mirin. Using a wooden rice paddle or a for, lightly stir the cooked rice to incorporate the seasoning. This makes the rice cool down quicker, too.
Get a bowl of water and ad 1 tablespoon of mirin. Wet both hands with this vinegared water to keep rice from sticking when rolling sushi.
Lay some rice on sushi mat, with your fingers, pat rice gently to shape it into oblong.
Put wasabi and mayonnaise on the rice. Press a piece of salmon on top of wasabi and wrap with nori strips.
Cooking Time: 20 minutes Prep. Time: 5 minutes

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